Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The New 52

Bonjour! I've been ignoring this blog for far too long. The reason was mainly the fact that I haven't been able to pick up any new comics for the last several months, but that's no longer the case. I've moved to DC and have been picking up comics at the shop in Union Station. This blog might be reformatted a little bit in the sense that I'll be covering the new Batgirl series and the new Teen Titans series, but no matter what, this will continue to be a Wonder Woman blog first and foremost. Check back in the next day or two to read my review of the first issue of the new series.

Au revoir!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Too Long!

Apologies for not updating this in quite some time. I won't bog down this with an endless explanation. I'll simply say life happened. With that said, quite a bit has happened to Wondy and co. since the last update. At first it seemed as if the show was an automatic flop, then reports were coming in that it had a good chance of being picked up, and finally it bit the dust. I must say, I'm a bit disappointed. While I was not too happy with what I had read about it pre-pilot screening, I was willing to give the show a chance. Alas, it seems Wondy still has a long way to go before she'll hit the small screen, let alone the silver one.

I've been hearing some rumors about the future of DC Comics. Apparently DC has decided to reboot its universe. I'm out of the comic loop, so I don't feel comfortable posting anything until I do my own research into what's going on, but I can see this as both a good and a bad thing. In terms of Wonder Woman, I think this gives her yet another opportunity to be treated with consistency. I'll post more when I know what's going on.

Hope all is well!